Introduction of Reinforcement Learning
Scenario of Reinforcement Learning
State is not that f a system, but of the environment. Just the observation of the agent.
- Policy-based (Learning an Actor)
- Value-based (Learning a Critic)
Actor + Critic: Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic (A3C)
Alpha Go: policy-based + value-based + model-based
Actor/Policy Action = π( Observation )
Policy-based Approach (Learning an Actor)
Goodness of Actor
An episode is considered as a trajectory $\tau$
- $𝜏 = { 𝑠_1, 𝑎_1, 𝑟_1, 𝑠_2, 𝑎_2, 𝑟_2, ⋯ , 𝑠_𝑇, 𝑎_𝑇, 𝑟_𝑇 }$
- $𝑅 (𝜏) = \sum_{t=1}^{T} r_t$
- If you use an actor to play the game, each 𝜏 has a
probability to be sampled
The probability depends on actor parameter 𝜃: 𝑃 (𝜏 𝜃)
$𝑅 (𝜏)$ do not have to be differentiable It can even be a black box.
Value-based Approach (Learning a Critic)
Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO)
default reinforcement learning algorithm at OpenAI
- on-policy
- off-policy
Policy of Actor
Policy 𝜋 is a network with parameter $\theta$
From on-policy to off-policy (Using the experience more than once)
- On-policy: The agent learned and the agent interacting with the environment is the same.
- Off-policy: The agent learned and the agent interacting with the environment is different.
Use $𝜋_𝜃$ to collect data. When 𝜃 is updated, we have to sample training data again.
Goal: Using the sample from $𝜋_𝜃′$ to train 𝜃. $𝜃′$ is fixed, so we can re-use the sample data.
Importance Sampling
Add Constraint
𝜃 cannot be very different from 𝜃′
Constraint on behavior not parameters
- A critic does not directly determine the action.
- Given an actor π, it evaluates how good the actor is
- State value function $V^\pi(s)$
- When using actor 𝜋, the cumulated reward expects to be obtained after visiting state s The output values of a critic depend on the actor evaluated.
How to estimate $V^\pi(s)$
$V^\pi(s)$ is a network, regression problem
- Monte-Carlo (MC) based approach
- Temporal-difference (TD) approach
State-action value function 𝑄^𝜋(𝑠, a)
Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic (A3C)
“Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning”, ICML, 2016
Review – Policy Gradient
estimate the expected value of G instead of sampling, more stable.