Pretraining General Language Model:
Unsupervised Feature-based Approaches
word embedding, sentence embedding, paragraph embedding
Unsupervised Fine-tuning Approaches
Transfer Learning from Supervised Data
We note that in the literature the bidirectional Transformer is often referred to as a “Transformer encoder” while the left-context-only version is referred to as a “Transformer decoder” since it can be used for text generation.
We refer to this procedure as a “masked LM” (MLM), although it is often referred to as a Cloze task in the literature
mask 15% token
If the i-th token is chosen, we replace the i-th token with
(1) the [MASK] token 80% of the time
(2) a random token 10% of the time
(3)the unchanged i-th token 10% of the time
Alec Radford, Karthik Narasimhan, Tim Salimans, and Ilya Sutskever. 2018. Improving language understanding with unsupervised learning. Technical report, OpenAI.
Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training
Jeffrey Pennington, Richard Socher, and Christo- pher D. Manning. 2014. Glove: Global vectors for word representation. In Empirical Methods in Nat- ural Language Processing (EMNLP), pages 1532– 1543.
Rowan Zellers, Yonatan Bisk, Roy Schwartz, and Yejin Choi. 2018. Swag: A large-scale adversarial dataset for grounded commonsense inference. In Proceed- ings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP).
(1) part of the text is masked and the model learns to predict the masked words based on the remaining text and visual context;
(2) the model is trained to determine whether the provided text matches the image.
These approaches often consist of a text encoder, an image feature extractor, a multi-modal fusion module (typically with attention), and an answer classifier.
In VisualBERT, the self-attention mechanism allows the model to capture the implicit relations between objects.
VideoBERT (Sun et al., 2019) transforms a video into spoken words paired with a series of images and applies a Transformer to learn joint representations. Their model architecture is similar to ours. However, VideoBERT is evaluated on captioning for cooking videos, while we conduct comprehensive analysis on a variety of vision-and-language tasks. Concurrently with our work, ViLBERT (Jiasen et al., 2019) proposes to learn joint representation of images and text using a BERT-like architecture but has separate Transformers for vision and language that can only attend to each-other (resulting in twice the parameters).
different visual representation and pre-training resource are used.
- feature embedding
- segment embedding
- position embedding
Pretrain VisualBERT
Task-Agnostic Pre-Training
Task-Specific Pre-Training
For future work, we are curious about whether we could extend VisualBERT to image-only tasks, such as scene graph parsing and situation recognition. Pre-training VisualBERT on larger caption datasets such as Visual Genome and Conceptual Caption is also a valid direction.
ViLBERT: Pretraining Task-Agnostic Visiolinguistic Representations for Vision-and-Language Tasks
self-supervised learning which have captured rich semantic and structural information from large, unlabelled data sources by training models to perform so-called ‘proxy’ tasks
While work within the vision community has shown increasing promise [21–23], the greatest impact of self-supervised learning so far is through language models like ELMo [13], BERT [12], and GPT [14] which have set new high-water marks on many NLP tasks.
Conceptual Captions [24] dataset
Conceptual Captions:
predicting the semantics of masked words and image regions given the unmasked inputs
predicting whether an image and text segment correspond
Conceptual Captions: A Cleaned, Hypernymed, Image Alt-text Dataset For Automatic Image Captioning
The alt attribute is the HTML attribute used in HTML and XHTML documents to specify alternative text (alt text) that is to be rendered when the element to which it is applied cannot be rendered.
Pre-trained representations can also either be context-free or contextual, and contextual representations can further be unidirectional or bidirectional. Context-free models such as word2vec or GloVe generate a single “word embedding” representation for each word in the vocabulary, so bank
would have the same representation in bank deposit
and river bank
. Contextual models instead generate a representation of each word that is based on the other words in the sentence.
means that the text has been lowercased before WordPiece tokenization, e.g., John Smith
becomes john smith
. The Uncased
model also strips out any accent markers. Cased
means that the true case and accent markers are preserved. Typically, the Uncased
model is better unless you know that case information is important for your task (e.g., Named Entity Recognition or Part-of-Speech tagging).
manually download models:
Beyond Bilinear: Generalized Multimodal Factorized High-order Pooling for Visual Question Answering
reference of lorra language self-attention
multi-modal feature fusion: linear (e.g., concatenation or element-wise addition)
- bilinear pooling
- MCB(Multi-modal Compact Bilinear), MLB(Multi-modal Low-rank Bilinear)
- MFB(Multi-modal Factorized Bilinear pooling, expansion of MLB), MFH(Multi-modal Factorized High-order pooling, cascading multiple MFB blocks)
Important tricks: (b) the normalization techniques are extremely important in bilinear pooling models.